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About the video:

"In the years 2019 - 2021, I was a competitor of the Slovenian First Lego League (FLL) team, called First Prule League (FPL). During these two years, I was a member of two very successful teams, each consisting of 10 members.

FLL is a competition consisting of two parts, a robot competition and a team innovation project related to a pre-determined theme. In the robot competition, the Lego robot must complete as many missions as possible on the competition field within 2min and 30sec. These robots are programmed by each team during the preparation for the competition, and they have 3 to 5 months to prepare. In the project work, the team must think of an innovative project on a pre-determined topic. Both parts of the competition are evaluated at the competition, while the FLL core values ​​are also evaluated.

Personally, in the two competitions I participated in, I focused more on the robot competition, but of course, I also helped with the project when it was needed.

In the first year of my involvement, I mostly just assembled the robot and the parts, which were later used in the competition, and programmed the robot. We were very successful and made it to the national level of the competition, but we were not allowed to compete there because the competition was canceled due to the pandemic.

In the second year of my involvement, despite the pandemic, the team and I worked remotely, via videoconferences. In the end, we competed first at the regional and then finally at the national competition, where we also achieved exceptional results.

Also in this second year, I focused more on the robotic part of the competition, and with my mentor Tilen Stermecki, who is also my friend, created quite a few 3D animations of our robot, showing how it performs missions. These animations are combined into one video, which is shown above."
- Primož Dornik